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Packaging for Developer Distribution

To get your App Builder app listed for Adobe Developer Distribution, you will need to package it.

The aio app pack command will verify and bundle your app. In the root of your app folder, run this command:

Copied to your clipboard
aio app pack

After this command completes running, you can find the app package in your app folder as: dist/app.zip.

App Validation

  1. app.config.yaml
    • will be checked if it is in a valid format, and will show specific config errors for you to fix, if necessary
  2. package.json version
    • application version format must be X.Y.Z, where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers
  3. files to be packaged. All the files in your app folder will be packaged EXCEPT:
    • files specified in .gitignore
    • files specified in .npmignore
    • any dist folders
    • any dot files (.env, .gitignore, etc)
    • any OS junk files (.DS_Store, thumbs.db, etc)
  4. event registrations will be validated (if any)


Two new hooks have been added for this command, and will run before and after the command is run (respectively):

  1. pre-pack
  2. post-pack

Your hook handler function will be passed two items:

  1. appConfig (object) - this contains the config of the current application
  2. artifactsFolder (string) - this will be the location of the folder containing all the packaging artifacts that will be bundled
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