6 Query

A repository may support query.

The structure and evaluation semantics of a query are defined by an abstract query model (AQM) for which two concrete language bindings are specified:

The languages are both direct mappings of the AQM and are therefore equally expressive; any query expressed in one can be machine-transformed to the other.

Whether an implementation supports query can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with the key


The returned array contains the constants representing the supported languages (see §24.2 Repository Descriptors). If a repository supports query it must return at least the constants for the two JCR-defined languages,

javax.jcr.query.JCR-JQOM and


indicating support for those languages. In addition, a repository may support other query languages. These can be either additional language bindings to the AQM or completely independent of that model.

JCR 1.0 defines a dialect of SQL different from JCR-SQL2, as well as a dialect of XPath. Support for these languages is deprecated.

6.1 Optional Joins

Support for joins is optional beyond support for query itself. The extent of join support can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with the key


The value returned will be one of

6.2 Introduction to the Abstract Query Model

This section introduces how queries are specified and evaluated in the AQM.

6.2.1 Selectors

A query has one or more selectors. When the query is evaluated, each selector independently selects a subset of the nodes in the workspace based on node type.

In a repository that does not support joins, a query will have only one selector.

6.2.2 Joins

If the query has more than one selector, it also has one or more joins that transform the sets of nodes selected by each selector into a single set of node-tuples.

The membership of the set of node-tuples depends on the join type and join condition of each join. The join type can be inner, left-outer, or right-outer. The join condition can test the equality of properties' values or the hierarchical relationship between nodes.

If the query has n selectors, it has n - 1 joins resulting in a set of n-tuples. For example, if the query has two selectors, it will have one join and produce a set of 2-tuples. If it has three selectors, it will have two joins and produce a set of 3-tuples. If it has only one selector, it will not have any joins and will produce a set of 1-tuples, that is, the nodes selected by its only selector.

Support for joins is optional. In a repository that does not support joins, the node-tuples produced are necessarily singletons. In other words, each node in the set produced by the (one and only) selector is converted directly into a node-tuple of size one. All further processing within the query evaluation operates on these tuples just as it would on tuples of size greater than one.

6.2.3 Constraints

A query can specify a constraint to filter the set of node-tuples by any combination of:

6.2.4 Orderings

A query can specify orderings to sort the filtered node-tuples by property value.

6.2.5 Query Results

The filtered and sorted node-tuples form the query results. The query results are available in two formats:

6.3 Equality and Comparison

When testing for equality or order of two property values of the same type, the query operators conform to the definitions in §3.6.5 Comparison of Values.

When testing for equality or order of two property values of differing type, the query operators perform standard property type conversion (see §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion) and conform to standard value comparison (see §3.6.5 Comparison of Values).

Support for equality and order comparison of BINARY values is not required.

6.4 Query Validity

To be successfully evaluated and produce query results, a query must be valid.

A query is invalid if:

An invalid query causes the repository to throw InvalidQueryException. Which method invocation throws this exception is implementation determined, but for an invalid query, the exception must be thrown no later than completion of the Query.execute().

6.5 Search Scope

A query must search the persistent workspace associated with the current session. It may take into account pending changes to the persistent workspace; that is, changes which are either unsaved or, within a transaction, saved but uncommitted.

6.6 Notations

Three notations are used in the following sections: the AQM type grammar, the JCR-SQL2 EBNF grammar and the JCR-JQOM Java API.

6.6.1 AQM Notation

The AQM is defined as a set of abstract types. The type grammar is written like this:

type Alpha ::=

Foo foo,

Bar? bar,

Baz+ bazes,

Quux* quuxes

type Beta extends Alpha ::=

String name

enum Foo ::=




which means:

The type Alpha has 4 attributes:

foo: mandatory, of type Foo, which is an enumeration with possible values Snap, Crackle and Pop.

bar: optional, of type Bar

bazes: a list of one or more Baz items

quuxes: a list of zero or more Quux items

The type Beta is a subtype of Alpha. It inherits Alpha's attributes, and adds:

name: mandatory, a string

6.6.2 JCR-SQL2 Notation

JCR–SQL2 is a mapping of the AQM to a string serialization based on the SQL language.

Each non-terminal in the JCR-SQL2 EBNF grammar corresponds to the type of the same name in the AQM grammar. The semantics of each JCR-SQL2 production is described by reference to the semantics of the corresponding AQM production. The two grammars are, however, entirely distinct and self- contained. Care should be taken not to mix productions from one grammar with those of the other.

The JCR-SQL2 grammar is written like this:

Alpha ::= 'FOO' Foo ['BAR' Bar] 'BAZ' bazes
['QUUX' quuxes]

Foo ::= Snap | Crackle | Pop

Snap ::= 'SNAP'

Crackle ::= 'CRACKLE'

Pop ::= 'POP'

Bar ::= /* a Bar */

bazes ::= Baz {Baz}

Baz ::= /* a Baz */

quuxes ::= Quux {Quux}

Quux ::= /* a Quux */ String Literals in JCR-SQL2 Grammar

Throughout this section string literals that appear in the syntactic grammar defining JCR-SQL2 must be interpreted as specified in §1.3.1 String Literals in Syntactic Grammars except that each character in the string literal must be interpreted as representing both upper and lower case versions. In other words, implementations must be case-insensitive with regard to JCR-SQL2.

6.6.3 JCR-JQOM Notation

JCR-JQOM is a mapping of the AQM to a Java API.

Each method and parameter name of the JCR-JQOM Java API corresponds to the type of the same name in the AQM grammar. The semantics of each JCR-JQOM method is described by reference to the semantics of the corresponding AQM production.

A JCR-JQOM query is built by assembling objects created using the factory methods of QueryObjectModelFactory.

For each AQM type, the following are listed:

Unless otherwise indicated, the Java interfaces listed in this section are in the package javax.jcr.query.qom.

6.7 Abstract Query Model and Language Bindings

The following section describes the AQM grammar and its mapping to JCR-SQL2 and JCR-JQOM. For each AQM production, a description of its semantics is provided, followed by the corresponding JCR-SQL2 production and the corresponding JCR-JQOM methods.

For queries with only one selector the JCR-SQL2 syntax permits the selector name to be omitted. In such cases the implementation must automatically generate a selector name for internal use. If the resulting query is later examined through the JCR-JQOM API, the automatically produced selector name will be seen.

6.7.1 Query


type Query ::=

Source source,

Constraint? constraint,

Ordering* orderings,

Column* columns

A Query consists of:


Query ::= 'SELECT' columns

'FROM' Source

['WHERE' Constraint]

['ORDER BY' orderings]


A query is represented by a QueryObjectModel object, created with:

QueryObjectModel QueryObjectModelFactory.
createQuery(Source source,
Constraint constraint,
Ordering[] orderings,
Column[] columns)

QueryObjectModel extends javax.jcr.query.Query and declares:

Source QueryObjectModel.getSource()

Constraint QueryObjectModel.getConstraint()

Ordering[] QueryObjectModel.getOrderings()

Column[] QueryObjectModel.getColumns()

6.7.2 Source


abstract type Source

Evaluates to a set of node-tuples.


Source ::= Selector | Join


Source is an empty interface with subclasses Selector and Join.

6.7.3 Selector


type Selector extends Source ::=

Name nodeType,

Name selectorName

Selects a subset of the nodes in the workspace based on node type.

The query is invalid if nodeType refers to a node type that has a queryable node type attribute of false (see § Queryable Node Type). Otherwise, if the queryable node type attribute is true, the following holds:

A selector selects every node in the workspace, subject to access control constraints, that satisfies at least one of the following conditions:

A selector has a selectorName that can be used elsewhere in the query to identify the selector.

The query is invalid if selectorName is identical to the selectorName of another selector in the query.

The query is also invalid if nodeType is not a valid JCR name or is a valid JCR name but not the name of a node type available in the repository.


Selector ::= nodeTypeName ['AS' selectorName]

nodeTypeName ::= Name


A Selector is created with:

Selector QueryObjectModelFactory.
selector(String nodeTypeName, String selectorName)

Selector extends Source and declares:

String Selector.getNodeTypeName()

String Selector.getSelectorName()

6.7.4 Name


type Name

A JCR name.

The query is invalid if the name does not satisfy either the ExpandedName production in § Expanded Form or the QualifiedName production in § Qualified Form.


Name ::= '[' quotedName ']' |
'[' simpleName ']' |


quotedName ::= /* A JCR Name */

simpleName ::= /* A JCR Name that is also a legal SQL identifier10 */


A JCR name in String form (either qualified or expanded).

6.7.5 Join

Support for joins is optional.


type Join extends Source ::=

Source left,

Source right,

JoinType joinType,

JoinCondition joinCondition

Performs a join between two node-tuple sources.

If left evaluates to L, a set of m-tuples, and right evaluates to R, a set of n-tuples, then the join evaluates to J, a set of (m + n)-tuples. The members of J depend on the joinType and joinCondition.

Let L x R be the Cartesian product of L and R as a set of (m + n)-tuples

L x R = { ℓ r : ℓ L, r R }

and c(A) be the selection over A of its members satisfying joinCondition c

c(A) = { a : a A, c(a) }

Then if joinType is Inner:

J = c(L x R)

Otherwise, if joinType is LeftOuter:

J = c(L x R) (LπL(c(L x R)))

where πL(c(L x R)) is the projection of the m-tuples contributed by L from the (m + n)-tuples of c(L x R).

Otherwise, if joinType is RightOuter:

J = c(L x R) (RπR(c(L x R)))

where πR(c(L x R)) is the projection of the n-tuples contributed by R from the (m + n)-tuples of c(L x R).

The query is invalid if left is the same source as right.


Join ::= left [JoinType] 'JOIN' right 'ON' JoinCondition

// If JoinType is omitted INNER is assumed.

left ::= Source

right ::= Source


A Join is created with:

Join QueryObjectModelFactory.
join(Source left,
Source right,
String joinType,
JoinCondition joinCondition)

Join extends Source and declares:

Source Join.getLeft()

Source Join.getRight()

String Join.getJoinType()

JoinCondition Join.getJoinCondition()

6.7.6 JoinType

Support for joins is optional.


enum JoinType ::=





JoinType ::= Inner | LeftOuter | RightOuter

Inner ::= 'INNER'

LeftOuter ::= 'LEFT OUTER'

RightOuter ::= 'RIGHT OUTER'


A join type is a String constant. One of:




6.7.7 JoinCondition

Support for joins is optional.


abstract type JoinCondition

Filters the set of node-tuples formed from a join.


JoinCondition ::= EquiJoinCondition |

SameNodeJoinCondition |

ChildNodeJoinCondition |



JoinCondition is an empty interface with subclasses EquiJoinCondition, SameNodeJoinCondition, ChildNodeJoinCondition and DescendantNodeJoinCondition.

6.7.8 EquiJoinCondition

Support for joins is optional.


type EquiJoinCondition extends JoinCondition ::=

Name selector1Name,

Name property1Name,

Name selector2Name,

Name property2Name

Tests whether the value of a property in a first selector is equal to the value of a property in a second selector.

A node-tuple satisfies the constraint only if:

The query is invalid if


EquiJoinCondition ::= selector1Name'.'property1Name '='


selector1Name ::= selectorName

selector2Name ::= selectorName

property1Name ::= propertyName

property2Name ::= propertyName


An EquiJoinCondition is created with:

EquiJoinCondition QueryObjectModelFactory.
equiJoinCondition(String selector1Name,
String property1Name,
String selector2Name,
String property2Name)

EquiJoinCondition extends JoinCondition and declares:

String EquiJoinCondition getSelector1Name()

String EquiJoinCondition getProperty1Name()

String EquiJoinCondition getSelector2Name()

String EquiJoinCondition getProperty2Name()

6.7.9 SameNodeJoinCondition

Support for joins is optional.


type SameNodeJoinCondition extends JoinCondition ::=

Name selector1Name,

Name selector2Name,

Path? selector2Path

Tests whether two nodes are “the same” according to the Item.isSame method.

If selector2Path is omitted:


would return true, where selector1Node is the node for the selector selector1Name and selector2Node is the node for the selector selector2Name.

Otherwise, if selector2Path is specified:


would return true, where selector1Node is the node for the selector selector1Name and selector2Node is the node for the selector selector2Name.

The query is invalid if:


SameNodeJoinCondition ::=

'ISSAMENODE(' selector1Name ','


[',' selector2Path] ')'

selector2Path ::= Path


A SameNodeJoinCondition is created with:

SameNodeJoinCondition QueryObjectModelFactory.
sameNodeJoinCondition(String selector1Name,
String selector2Name,
String selector2Path)

SameNodeJoinCondition extends JoinCondition and declares:

String SameNodeJoinCondition.getSelector1Name()

String SameNodeJoinCondition.getSelector2Name()

String SameNodeJoinCondition.getSelector2Path()

6.7.10 ChildNodeJoinCondition

Support for joins is optional.


type ChildNodeJoinCondition extends JoinCondition ::=

Name childSelectorName,

Name parentSelectorName

Tests whether the childSelectorName node is a child of the parentSelectorName node. A node-tuple satisfies the constraint only if:


would return true, where childSelectorNode is the node for the selector childSelectorName and parentSelectorNode is the node for the selector parentSelectorName.

The query is invalid if:


ChildNodeJoinCondition ::=

'ISCHILDNODE(' childSelectorName ','

parentSelectorName ')'

childSelectorName ::= selectorName

parentSelectorName ::= selectorName


A ChildNodeJoinCondition is created with:

ChildNodeJoinCondition QueryObjectModelFactory.
childNodeJoinCondition(String childSelectorName,
String parentSelectorName)

ChildNodeJoinCondition extends JoinCondition and declares:

String ChildNodeJoinCondition.getChildSelectorName()

String ChildNodeJoinCondition.getParentSelectorName()

6.7.11 DescendantNodeJoinCondition

Support for joins is optional.


type DescendantNodeJoinCondition

extends JoinCondition ::=

Name descendantSelectorName,

Name ancestorSelectorName

Tests whether the descendantSelectorName node is a descendant of the ancestorSelectorName node. A node-tuple satisfies the constraint only if:

isSame(ancestorSelectorNode) &&
descendantSelectorNode.getDepth() > n

would return true for some non-negative integer n, where descendantSelectorNode is the node for the selector descendantSelectorName and ancestorSelectorNode is the node for the selector ancestorSelectorName.

The query is invalid if:


DescendantNodeJoinCondition ::=

'ISDESCENDANTNODE(' descendantSelectorName ','

ancestorSelectorName ')'

descendantSelectorName ::= selectorName

ancestorSelectorName ::= selectorName


A DescendantNodeJoinCondition is created with:

DescendantNodeJoinCondition QueryObjectModelFactory.
descendantNodeJoinCondition(String descendantSelectorName,
String ancestorSelectorName)

DescendantNodeJoinCondition extends JoinCondition and declares:

String DescendantNodeJoinCondition.getDescendantSelectorName()

String DescendantNodeJoinCondition.getAncestorSelectorName()

6.7.12 Constraint


abstract type Constraint

Filters the set of node-tuples formed by evaluating the query's selectors and the joins between them.

To be included in the query results, a node-tuple must satisfy the constraint.


Constraint ::= And | Or | Not | Comparison |

PropertyExistence | FullTextSearch |

SameNode | ChildNode | DescendantNode

In JCR-SQL2, the following precedence classes apply, in order of evaluation:


Constraint Production

JCR-SQL2 Syntax


() (grouping with parentheses)








= , <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE
















Constraint is an empty interface with subclasses And, Or, Not, Comparison, PropertyExistence, FullTextSearch, SameNode, ChildNode and DescendantNode.

6.7.13 And


type And extends Constraint ::=

Constraint constraint1,

Constraint constraint2

Performs a logical conjunction of two other constraints.

To satisfy the And constraint, a node-tuple must satisfy both constraint1 and constraint2.


And ::= constraint1 'AND' constraint2

constraint1 ::= Constraint

constraint2 ::= Constraint


An And is created with:

And QueryObjectModelFactory.
and(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)

And extends Constraint and declares:

Constraint And.getConstraint1()

Constraint And.getConstraint2()

6.7.14 Or


type Or extends Constraint ::=

Constraint constraint1,

Constraint constraint2

Performs a logical disjunction of two other constraints.

To satisfy the Or constraint, the node-tuple must either:


Or ::= constraint1 'OR' constraint2


An Or is created with:

Or QueryObjectModelFactory.
or(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)

Or extends Constraint and declares:

Constraint Or.getConstraint1()

Constraint Or.getConstraint2()

6.7.15 Not


type Not extends Constraint ::=

Constraint constraint

Performs a logical negation of another constraint.

To satisfy the Not constraint, the node-tuple must not satisfy constraint.


Not ::= 'NOT' Constraint


A Not is created with:

Not QueryObjectModelFactory.
not(Constraint constraint)

Not extends Constraint and declares:

Constraint Not.getConstraint()

6.7.16 Comparison


type Comparison extends Constraint ::=

DynamicOperand operand1,

Operator operator,

StaticOperand operand2

Filters node-tuples based on the outcome of a binary operation.

For any comparison, operand2 always evaluates to a scalar value. In contrast, operand1 may evaluate to an array of values (for example, the values of a multi-valued property), in which case the comparison is separately performed for each element of the array, and the Comparison constraint is satisfied as a whole if the comparison against any element of the array is satisfied.

If operand1 and operand2 evaluate to values of different property types, the value of operand2 is converted to the property type of the value of operand1 as described in §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion. If the type conversion fails, the query is invalid.

Given an operator O and a property instance P of property type T, P can be compared using O only if:

If operator is not supported for the property type of operand1, the query is invalid.

If operand1 evaluates to null (for example, if the operand evaluates the value of a property which does not exist), the constraint is not satisfied.

The EqualTo operator is satisfied only if the value of operand1 is equal to the value of operand2, as described in §3.6.5 Comparison of Values.

The NotEqualTo operator is satisfied unless the value of operand1 is equal to the value of operand2, as described in §3.6.5 Comparison of Values.

The LessThan operator is satisfied only if the value of operand1 is ordered before the value of operand2, as described in §3.6.5 Comparison of Values.

The LessThanOrEqualTo operator is satisfied unless the value of operand1 is ordered after the value of operand2, as described in §3.6.5 Comparison of Values.

The GreaterThan operator is satisfied only if the value of operand1 is ordered after the value of operand2, as described in §3.6.5 Comparison of Values.

The GreaterThanOrEqualTo operator is satisfied unless the value of operand1 is ordered before the value of operand2, as described in §3.6.5 Comparison of Values.

The Like operator is satisfied only if the value of operand1 matches the pattern specified by the value of operand2, where in the pattern:


Comparison ::= DynamicOperand Operator StaticOperand


A Comparison is created with:

Comparison QueryObjectModelFactory.
comparison(DynamicOperand operand1,
String operator,
StaticOperand operand2)

Comparison extends Constraint and declares:

DynamicOperand Comparsion.getOperand1()

String Comparison.getOperator()

StaticOperand Comparison.getOperand2()

6.7.17 Operator


enum Operator ::=









Operator ::= EqualTo | NotEqualTo | LessThan |

LessThanOrEqualTo | GreaterThan |

GreaterThanOrEqualTo | Like

EqualTo ::= '='

NotEqualTo ::= '<>'

LessThan ::= '<'

LessThanOrEqualTo ::= '<='

GreaterThan ::= '>'

GreaterThanOrEqualTo ::= '>='

Like ::= 'LIKE'


An operator is a String constant. One of:








6.7.18 PropertyExistence


type PropertyExistence extends Constraint ::=

Name selectorName,

Name propertyName

Tests the existence of a property.

A node-tuple satisfies the constraint if the selectorName node has a property named propertyName.

The query is invalid if selectorName is not the name of a selector in the query.


PropertyExistence ::=

selectorName'.'propertyName 'IS NOT NULL' |

propertyName 'IS NOT NULL' /* If only one
selector exists in
this query*/

/* Note: The negation, 'NOT x IS NOT NULL'
can be written 'x IS NULL' */


A PropertyExistence is created with:

PropertyExistence QueryObjectModelFactory.
propertyExistence(String selectorName, String propertyName)

PropertyExistence extends Constraint and declares:

String PropertyExistence.getSelectorName()

String PropertyExistence.getPropertyName()

6.7.19 FullTextSearch


type FullTextSearch extends Constraint ::=

Name selectorName,

Name? propertyName,

StaticOperand fullTextSearchExpression

Performs a full-text search.

The full-text search expression is evaluated against the set of full-text indexed properties within the full-text search scope. If propertyName is specified, the full-text search scope is the property of that name on the selectorName node in the node-tuple; otherwise the full-text search scope is implementation determined.

Whether a particular property is full-text indexed can be determined by the full-text searchable attribute of its property definition (see § Full-Text Searchable).

It is implementation-determined whether fullTextSearchExpression is independently evaluated against each full-text indexed property in the full-text search scope, or collectively evaluated against the set of such properties using some implementation-determined mechanism.

Similarly, for multi-valued properties, it is implementation-determined whether fullTextSearchExpression is independently evaluated against each element in the array of values, or collectively evaluated against the array of values using some implementation-determined mechanism.

The fullTextSearchExpression is a StaticOperand, meaning that it may be either a literal JCR value or a bound variable (which evaluates to a JCR value). The value must be a STRING (or convertible to a STRING) that conforms to the following grammar:

FullTextSearchLiteral ::= Disjunct
{Space 'OR' Space Disjunct}

Disjunct ::= Term {Space Term}

Term ::= ['-'] SimpleTerm

SimpleTerm ::= Word | '"' Word {Space Word} '"'

Word ::= NonSpaceChar {NonSpaceChar}

Space ::= SpaceChar {SpaceChar}

NonSpaceChar ::= Char – SpaceChar
/* Any Char except SpaceChar */

SpaceChar ::= ' ' /* Unicode character U+0020 */

Char ::= /* Any character */

/* See §1.3.1 String Literals in Syntactic Grammars for details

on the interpetation of string literals in this grammar */

A query satisfies a FullTextSearch constraint if the value (or values) of the full-text indexed properties within the full-text search scope satisfy the specified fullTextSearchExpression, evaluated as follows:

The query is invalid if:

The grammar and semantics described above defines the minimal requirement, meaning that any search string accepted as valid by an implementation must conform to this grammar. An implementation may, however, restrict acceptable search strings further by augmenting this grammar and expanding the semantics appropriately.

If propertyName is specified but, for a node-tuple, the selectorName node does not have a property named propertyName, the query is valid but the constraint is not satisfied.


FullTextSearch ::=
'CONTAINS(' ([selectorName'.']propertyName |
selectorName'.*') ','

FullTextSearchExpression ')'

/* If only one selector exists in this query,
explicit specification of the selectorName
preceding the propertyName is optional */

FullTextSearchExpression ::= BindVariable |

''' FullTextSearchLiteral '''

/* see above */


A FullTextSearch is created with:

FullTextSearch QueryObjectModelFactory.
fullTextSearch(String selectorName,
String propertyName,
StaticOperand fullTextSearchExpression)

FullTextSearch extends Constraint and declares:

String FullTextSearch.getSelectorName()

String FullTextSearch.getPropertyName()

StaticOperand FullTextSearch.getFullTextSearchExpression()

6.7.20 SameNode


type SameNode extends Constraint ::=

Name selectorName,

Path path

Tests whether the selectorName node is reachable by the absolute path specified. A node-tuple satisfies the constraint only if:


would return true, where selectorNode is the node for the specified selector.

The query is invalid if:


SameNode ::= 'ISSAMENODE(' [selectorName ','] Path ')'

/* If only one selector exists in this query, explicit
specification of the selectorName is optional */


A SameNode is created with:

SameNode QueryObjectModelFactory.
sameNode(String selectorName, String path)

SameNode extends Constraint and declares:

String SameNode.getSelectorName()

String SameNode.getPath()

6.7.21 ChildNode


type ChildNode extends Constraint ::=

Name selectorName,

Path path

Tests whether the selectorName node is a child of a node reachable by the absolute path specified. A node-tuple satisfies the constraint only if:


would return true, where selectorNode is the node for the specified selector.

The query is invalid if:


ChildNode ::= 'ISCHILDNODE(' [selectorName ','] Path ')'

/* If only one selector exists in this query, explicit
specification of the selectorName is optional */


A ChildNode is created with:

ChildNode QueryObjectModelFactory.
childNode(String selectorName, String path)

ChildNode extends Constraint and declares:

String ChildNode.getSelectorName()

String ChildNode.getParentPath()

6.7.22 DescendantNode


type DescendantNode extends Constraint ::=

Name selectorName,

Path path

Tests whether the selectorName node is a descendant of a node reachable by the absolute path specified. A node-tuple satisfies the constraint only if:

&& selectorNode.getDepth() > n

would return true for some non-negative integer n, where selectorNode is the node for the specified selector.

The query is invalid if:


DescendantNode ::=

'ISDESCENDANTNODE(' [selectorName ','] Path ')'

/* If only one selector exists in this query, explicit
specification of the selectorName is optional */


A DescendantNode is created with:

DescendantNode QueryObjectModelFactory.
descendantNode(String selectorName, String path)

DescendantNode extends Constraint and declares:

String DescendantNode.getSelectorName()

String DescendantNode.getAncestorPath()

6.7.23 Path


type Path

A JCR path.


Path ::= '[' quotedPath ']' |
'[' simplePath ']' |


quotedPath ::= /* A JCR Path that contains non-SQL-legal
characters */

simplePath ::= /* A JCR Name that contains only SQL-legal
characters11 */


A JCR path in string form (standard, non-standard, normalized or non-normalized, see §3.3.5 Standard and Non-Standard Form and § Normalized Paths).

6.7.24 Operand


abstract type Operand


Operand ::= StaticOperand | DynamicOperand

/* 'Operand' not referenced in JCR-SQL2

grammar. For possible future use. */


Operand is an empty interface with subclasses StaticOperand and DynamicOperand.

6.7.25 StaticOperand


abstract type StaticOperand extends Operand

An operand whose value can be determined from static analysis of the query, prior to its evaluation.


StaticOperand ::= Literal | BindVariableValue


StaticOperand is an empty interface with subclasses Literal and BindVariableValue.

6.7.26 DynamicOperand


abstract type DynamicOperand extends Operand

An operand whose value can only be determined in evaluating the query.


DynamicOperand ::= PropertyValue | Length | NodeName |

NodeLocalName | FullTextSearchScore |

LowerCase | UpperCase


DynamicOperand is an empty interface with subclasses PropertyValue, Length, NodeName, NodeLocalName, FullTextSearchScore, LowerCase and UpperCase.

6.7.27 PropertyValue


type PropertyValue extends DynamicOperand ::=

Name selectorName,

Name propertyName

Evaluates to the value (or values, if multi-valued) of a property.

If, for a node-tuple, the selectorName node does not have a property named propertyName, the operand evaluates to null.

The query is invalid if selectorName is not the name of a selector in the query.


PropertyValue ::= [selectorName'.'] propertyName

/* If only one selector exists in this query,
explicit specification of the selectorName is
optional */


A PropertyValue is created with:

PropertyValue QueryObjectModelFactory.
propertyValue(String selectorName, String propertyName)

PropertyValue extends DynamicOperand and declares:

String PropertyValue.getSelectorName()

String PropertyValue.getPropertyName()

6.7.28 Length


type Length extends DynamicOperand ::=

PropertyValue propertyValue

Evaluates to the length (or lengths, if multi-valued) of a property. In evaluating this operand, a repository should use the semantics defined in §3.6.7 Length of a Value.

If propertyValue evaluates to null, the Length operand also evaluates to null.


Length ::= 'LENGTH(' PropertyValue ')'


A Length is created with:

Length QueryObjectModelFactory.
length(PropertyValue propertyValue)

Length extends DynamicOperand and declares:

PropertyValue Length.getPropertyValue()

6.7.29 NodeName


type NodeName extends DynamicOperand ::=

Name selectorName

Evaluates to a NAME value equal to the JCR name of a node.

The query is invalid if selectorName is not the name of a selector in the query.


NodeName ::= 'NAME(' [selectorName] ')'

/* If only one selector exists in this query, explicit
specification of the selectorName is optional */


A NodeName is created with:

NodeName QueryObjectModelFactory.
nodeName(String selectorName)

NodeName extends DynamicOperand and declares:

String NodeName.getSelectorName()

6.7.30 NodeLocalName


type NodeLocalName extends DynamicOperand ::=

Name selectorName

Evaluates to a STRING value equal to the JCR local name of a node.

The query is invalid if selectorName is not the name of a selector in the query.


NodeLocalName ::= 'LOCALNAME(' [selectorName] ')'

/* If only one selector exists in this query,
explicit specification of the selectorName is
optional */


A NodeLocalName is created with:

NodeLocalName QueryObjectModelFactory.
nodeLocalName(String selectorName)

NodeLocalName extends DynamicOperand and declares:

String NodeLocalName.getSelector()

6.7.31 FullTextSearchScore


type FullTextSearchScore extends DynamicOperand ::=

Name selectorName

Evaluates to a DOUBLE value equal to the full-text search score of a node.

Full-text search score ranks a selector's nodes by their relevance to the fullTextSearchExpression specified in a FullTextSearch. The values to which FullTextSearchScore evaluates and the interpretation of those values are implementation specific. FullTextSearchScore may evaluate to a constant value in a repository that does not support full-text search scoring or has no full-text indexed properties.

The query is invalid if selector is not the name of a selector in the query.


FullTextSearchScore ::= 'SCORE(' [selectorName] ')'

/* If only one selector exists in this query,
explicit specification of the selectorName
is optional */


A FullTextSearchScore is created with:

FullTextSearchScore QueryObjectModelFactory.
fullTextSearchScore(String selectorName)

FullTextSearchScore extends DynamicOperand and declares:

String FullTextSearchScore.getSelector()

6.7.32 LowerCase


type LowerCase extends DynamicOperand ::=

DynamicOperand operand

Evaluates to the lower-case string value (or values, if multi-valued) of operand.

If operand does not evaluate to a string value, its value is first converted to a string as described in §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion. The lower-case string value is computed as though the toLowerCase() method of java.lang.String were called.

If operand evaluates to null, the LowerCase operand also evaluates to null.


LowerCase ::= 'LOWER(' DynamicOperand ')'


A LowerCase is created with:

LowerCase QueryObjectModelFactory.
lowerCase(DynamicOperand operand)

LowerCase extends DynamicOperand and declares:

DynamicOperand LowerCase.getOperand()

6.7.33 UpperCase


type UpperCase extends DynamicOperand ::=

DynamicOperand operand

Evaluates to the upper-case string value (or values, if multi-valued) of operand.

If operand does not evaluate to a string value, its value is first converted to a string as described in §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion. The upper-case string value is computed as though the toUpperCase() method of java.lang.String were called.

If operand evaluates to null, the UpperCase operand also evaluates to null.


UpperCase ::= 'UPPER(' DynamicOperand ')'


An UpperCase is created with:

UpperCase QueryObjectModelFactory.
upperCase(DynamicOperand operand)

UpperCase extends DynamicOperand and declares:

DynamicOperand UpperCase.getOperand()

6.7.34 Literal


type Literal extends StaticOperand ::=

javax.jcr.Value Value

A JCR value.


Literal ::= CastLiteral | UncastLiteral

CastLiteral ::= 'CAST(' UncastLiteral ' AS ' PropertyType ')'

PropertyType ::= 'STRING' | 'BINARY' | 'DATE' | 'LONG' | 'DOUBLE' |



UncastLiteral ::= UnquotedLiteral | ''' UnquotedLiteral ''' |

'“' UnquotedLiteral '“'

UnquotedLiteral ::= /* String form of a JCR Value, as defined in

§3.5.4 Conversion of Values */

An UncastLiteral may be interpreted as a Value of property type STRING or some other type inferred from static analysis. A CastLiteral, on the other hand, is interpreted as the string form of a Value of the PropertyType indicated.


A JCR Value. A Value object can be created using ValueFactory (see §6.10 Literal Values). Note that unlike in the case of JCR-SQL2, property type information is intrinsic to the Value object, so no equivalent of the CAST function is needed in JCR-JQOM.

6.7.35 BindVariable


type BindVariableValue extends StaticOperand ::=

Prefix bindVariableName

Evaluates to the value of a bind variable.

The query is invalid if no value is bound to bindVariableName.


BindVariableValue ::= '$'bindVariableName

bindVariableName ::= Prefix


A BindVariableValue is created with:

BindVariableValue QueryObjectModelFactory.
bindVariableValue(String bindVariableName)

BindVariableValue extends StaticOperand and declares:

StaticOperand BindVariableValue.getBindVariableName()

6.7.36 Prefix


type Prefix

A JCR prefix.

The query is invalid if the prefix does not satisfy the prefix production in § Qualified Form.


Prefix ::= /* A String that conforms to the JCR Name
prefix syntax. Not required to be an actual
prefix in use in the repository. The prefix
syntax is used simply to characterize the
range of possible variables. */


A string that conforms to the JCR Name prefix syntax. This is not required to be an actual prefix in use in the repository. The prefix syntax is used simply to characterize the range of possible variables.

6.7.37 Ordering


type Ordering ::=

DynamicOperand operand,

Order order

Determines the relative order of two node-tuples by evaluating operand for each.

For a first node-tuple, nt1, for which operand evaluates to v1, and a second node-tuple, nt2, for which operand evaluates to v2:

If operand is a PropertyValue (see §6.7.27 PropertyValue) of a property P and the query-orderable attribute of the property definition of P is false (see § Query-Orderable) then the relative order of nt1 and nt2 is implementation determined, otherwise, if the query-orderable attribute is true, then:

If order is Ascending, then:

Otherwise, if order is Descending, then:

The query is invalid if operand does not evaluate to a scalar value.


orderings ::= Ordering {',' Ordering}

Ordering ::= DynamicOperand [Order]

If Order is omitted in the JCR-SQL2 statement the default is ASC (see §6.7.38 Order).


An ascending Ordering is created with:

Ordering QueryObjectModelFactory.
ascending(DynamicOperand operand)

A descending Ordering is created with:

Ordering QueryObjectModelFactory.
descending(DynamicOperand operand)

Ordering declares:

DynamicOperand Ordering.getOperand()

String Ordering.getOrder()

6.7.38 Order


enum Order ::=



Order is either Ascending or Descending.


Order ::= Ascending | Descending

Ascending ::= 'ASC'

Descending ::= 'DESC'


An order is a String constant. One of:



6.7.39 Column


type Column ::=

Name selectorName,

Name? propertyName,

Name? columnName

Defines a column to include in the tabular view of query results.

If propertyName is not specified, a column is included for each single-valued non-residual property of the node type specified by the nodeType attribute of the selector selectorName.

If propertyName is specified, columnName is required and used to name the column in the tabular results. If propertyName is not specified, columnName must not be specified, and the included columns will be named “selectorName.propertyName”.

The query is invalid if:

If propertyName is specified but, for a node-tuple, the selectorName node does not have a property named propertyName, the query is valid and the column has null value.


columns ::= (Column ',' {Column}) | '*'

Column ::= ([selectorName'.']propertyName

['AS' columnName]) |


/* If only one selector exists in this query, explicit
specification of the selectorName preceding the
propertyName is optional */

selectorName ::= Name

propertyName ::= Name

columnName ::= Name


A Column is created with:

Column QueryObjectModelFactory.
column(String selectorName,
String propertyName,
String columnName)

Column declares:

String Column.getSelectorName()

String Column.getPropertyName()

String Column.getColumnName()

6.8 QueryManager

The query function is accessed through the QueryManager object, acquired through

QueryManager Workspace.getQueryManager().

6.8.1 Supported Languages

String[] QueryManager.getSupportedQueryLanguages()

returns an array of strings representing the supported query languages. In all repositories that support query, the array will contain at least the string constants

Query.JCR_SQL2 and


Any additional languages also supported will also be listed in the returned array.

6.9 Query Object

A new Query object can be created with

Query QueryManager.
createQuery(String statement, String language)

The language parameter is a string representing one of the supported languages. The statement parameter is the query statement itself. This method is used for languages that are string-based (i.e., most languages, such as JCR-SQL2) as well as for the string serializations of non-string-based languages (such as JCR-JQOM). For example, the call

QM.createQuery(S, Query.JCR_SQL2),

where QM is the QueryManager and S is a JCR-SQL2 statement, returns a Query object encapsulating S.

However, the call

QM.createQuery(S, Query.JCR_JQOM)

also works. It returns a QueryObjectModel (a subclass of Query) holding the JCR-JQOM object tree equivalent to S.

In either case the returned Query object encapsulates the resulting query. In some repositories the first method call (with JCR-SQL2 specified) may also result in a QueryObjectModel, though this is not required.

6.9.1 QueryObjectModelFactory

To programmatically build a query tree using JCR-JQOM the user acquires a QueryObjectModelFactory using

QueryObjectModelFactory QueryManager.getQOMFactory().

The user then builds the query tree using the factory methods of QueryObjectModelFactory, ultimately resulting in a QueryObjectModel object (a subclass of Query) representing the query. Serialized Query Object Model

The JCR-SQL2 language, in addition to being a query language in its own right is also the standard serialization of a valid JCR-JQOM object tree. Since the two languages are formally equivalent they can always be roundtripped.

6.9.2 Getting the Statement

String Query.getStatement()

returns the statement set for the query. If the Query was created with an explicitly supplied statement string parameter using QueryManager.createQuery then this method returns that statement. The statement returned must be semantically identical to the original statement but need not be an identical string (for example, it may be normalized).

If the Query is actually a QueryObjectModel created with QueryObjectModelFactory.createQuery then Query.getStatement must return the serialized form of the query, in JCR-SQL2 syntax.

6.9.3 Getting the Language

String Query.getLanguage()

returns the language in which the query is specified. If the Query was created with an explicitly supplied language string parameter using QueryManager.createQuery then this method returns that string.

If the Query is actually a QueryObjectModel created with QueryObjectModelFactory.createQuery then Query.getLanguage will return the string constant Query.JCR_SQL2.

6.9.4 Query Limit

Query.setLimit(long limit)

Sets the maximum size of the result set, expressed in terms of the number of Rows, as found in the table-view of the QueryResult (see §6.11 QueryResult).

6.9.5 Query Offset

Query.setOffset(long offset)

Sets the offset within the full result set at which the returned result set should start, expressed in terms of the number of Rows to skip, as found in the table-view of the QueryResult (see §6.11 QueryResult).

6.9.6 Bind Variables

A query may contain variables.

void Query.bindValue(String varName, Value value)

binds value to the variable varName.

In JCR-SQL2 a bind variable is indicated by a leading dollar-sign. In JCR-JQOM it is a QOM object created with the QueryObjectModelFactory (see §6.7.35 BindVariable).

The method

String[] Query.getBindVariableNames()

returns the names of the bind variables in the query. If the query does not contains any bind variables then an empty array is returned.

6.9.7 Stored Query

When a new Query object is first created it is a transient query. If the repository supports the node type nt:query, then a transient query can be stored in content by calling

Node Query.storeAsNode(String absPath).

This creates an nt:query node at the specified path. A save is required to persist the node. nt:query

The nt:query node type is defined as follows:


- jcr:statement (STRING)

- jcr:language (STRING)

jcr:statement holds the string returned by Query.getStatement().

jcr:language holds the string returned by Query.getLanguage().

If the language of this query is JCR-JQOM, jcr:statement will hold the JCR-SQL2 serialization of the JCR-JQOM object tree and Query.getStatement() will return that string. Also, since the original query was constructed using JCR-JQOM, jcr:language records the language as “JCR-JQOM” and Query.getLanguage() returns “JCR-JQOM”. Stored Query Path

String Query.getStoredQueryPath()

returns the absolute path of a Query that has been stored as a node. Retrieving a Stored Query

Query QueryManager.getQuery(Node node)

retrieves a previously persisted query and instantiates it as a Query object. Namespace Fragility

Note that the query statement stored within a stored query (the value of the property jcr:statement) is stored as a simple string. Therefore, if it contains qualified JCR names it will be namespace-fragile. If the stored query is run in a context where a prefix used maps to a different namespace than it did upon creation then the query will not reproduce the original result. To mitigate this, users should either,

6.10 Literal Values

When creating a Comparison object (see 6.7.16 Comparison) a user may wish to pass a literal property value (see 6.7.34 Literal) in the form of a Value object. Value objects are created using the ValueFactory acquired through

ValueFactory Session.getValueFactory().

(see §10.4.3 Creating Value Objects).

6.11 QueryResult

Once a query has been defined, it can be executed. The method

QueryResult Query.execute()

returns the a QueryResult object. The QueryResult is returned in two formats: as a table and as a list of nodes.

6.11.1 Table View

The table view of a result is accessed with

RowIterator QueryResult.getRows()

The returned RowIterator holds a series of Row objects. A Row object represents a single row of the query result table which corresponds to a node-tuple returned by the query. Row

Upon retrieving an individual Row, the set of Values making up that row can be retrieved with

Value[] Row.getValues()

The values are returned in that same order as their corresponding column names are returned by QueryResult.getColumns.

Value Row.getValue(String columnName)

returns the Value of the indicated column of the Row. The names of the columns can be retrieved with

String[] QueryResult.getColumnNames().

In queries with only one selector included among the specified columns, each Row corresponds to a single Node. In such cases

Node Row.getNode()

returns that Node.

In queries with more than one selector included among the specified columns, a particular selector must be indicated in order to retrieve its corresponding Node . This is done using

Node Row.getNode(String selectorName).

The available selector names can be retrieved with

String[] QueryResult.getSelectorNames().

If the Row is from a result involving outer joins, it may have no Node corresponding to the specified selector, in which case this method returns null.

The methods

String Row.getPath() and

String Row.getPath(String selectorName)

are equivalent to Row.getNode().getPath() and
Row.getNode(String selectorName).getPath(), respectively. However, some implementations may be able gain efficiency by not resolving the actual Node.

The method

double Row.getScore(String selectorName)

returns the full text search score for this row that is associated with the specified selector. This is equivalent to the score of the Node associated with that this Row and that selector.

If no FullTextSearchScore AQM object (see §6.7.31 FullTextSearchScore) is associated with the specified selector this method will still return a value but that value may not be meaningful or may simply reflect the minimum possible relevance level (for example, in some systems this might be a score of 0).

If this Row is from a result involving outer joins, it may have no Node corresponding to the specified selector, in which case this method returns an implementation selected value, as it would if there were no FullTextSearchScore associated with the selector.

The method

double Row.getScore()

works identically to Row.getScore(String selectorName), but only in cases where there is exactly one selector and therefore its name need not be explicitly specified.

6.11.2 Node View

For queries with only one selector


returns an iterator over all matching nodes in the order specified by the query. For queries with more than one selector the order in which nodes are returned is implementation-specific.

6.12 Query Scope

Each Query is bound to a Session object via the QueryManager through which it was created and the Workspace object through which that QueryManager was acquired. Through its associated Workspace and Session objects a query is therefore bound to a single persistent workspace and a single transient store.

6.12.1 Access Restrictions

A query result always respects the access restrictions of its bound Session. This includes all restrictions, as reflected in the capabilities of the Session, which encompasses privileges, permissions and other restrictions (see §9 Permissions and Capabilities).

In general, if the bound Session does not have read access to a particular item, then that item will not be included in the result set even if it would otherwise constitute a match.

6.12.2 Queryable Content

A query runs against either

The choice of which scope to use is an implementation-variant.

6.12.3 Query Result Items

Regardless of which scope is used, when an item is accessed from within a QueryResult object, the state of the item returned will obey the same semantics as if it were retrieved using a normal Node.getNode or Node.getProperty: the item state will reflect any pending changes in transient store of the Session. As a result, it is possible that an item returned as a match will not reflect the state that caused it to be a match (i.e., its persistent state). Applications can clear the Session (either through save or refresh(false)) before running a query in order to avoid such discrepancies.