Class AddUserParam

  • public class AddUserParam
    extends java.lang.Object

    Java class for anonymous complex type.

    The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

         <restriction base="{}anyType">
             <element name="firstName" type="{}string"/>
             <element name="lastName" type="{}string"/>
             <element name="email" type="{}string"/>
             <element name="password" type="{}string"/>
             <element name="passwordExpires" type="{}dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element name="isValid" type="{}boolean"/>
             <element name="isIpsAdmin" type="{}boolean"/>
             <element name="membershipArray" type="{}CompanyMembershipUpdateArray"/>
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getEmail()
      Gets the value of the email property.
      java.lang.String getFirstName()
      Gets the value of the firstName property.
      java.lang.String getLastName()
      Gets the value of the lastName property.
      CompanyMembershipUpdateArray getMembershipArray()
      Gets the value of the membershipArray property.
      java.lang.String getPassword()
      Gets the value of the password property.
      javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar getPasswordExpires()
      Gets the value of the passwordExpires property.
      boolean isIsIpsAdmin()
      Gets the value of the isIpsAdmin property.
      boolean isIsValid()
      Gets the value of the isValid property.
      void setEmail​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the email property.
      void setFirstName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the firstName property.
      void setIsIpsAdmin​(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the isIpsAdmin property.
      void setIsValid​(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the isValid property.
      void setLastName​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the lastName property.
      void setMembershipArray​(CompanyMembershipUpdateArray value)
      Sets the value of the membershipArray property.
      void setPassword​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the value of the password property.
      void setPasswordExpires​(javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar value)
      Sets the value of the passwordExpires property.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AddUserParam

        public AddUserParam()
    • Method Detail

      • getFirstName

        public java.lang.String getFirstName()
        Gets the value of the firstName property.
        possible object is String
      • setFirstName

        public void setFirstName​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the firstName property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getLastName

        public java.lang.String getLastName()
        Gets the value of the lastName property.
        possible object is String
      • setLastName

        public void setLastName​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the lastName property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getEmail

        public java.lang.String getEmail()
        Gets the value of the email property.
        possible object is String
      • setEmail

        public void setEmail​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the email property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getPassword

        public java.lang.String getPassword()
        Gets the value of the password property.
        possible object is String
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the password property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getPasswordExpires

        public javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar getPasswordExpires()
        Gets the value of the passwordExpires property.
        possible object is XMLGregorianCalendar
      • setPasswordExpires

        public void setPasswordExpires​(javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar value)
        Sets the value of the passwordExpires property.
        value - allowed object is XMLGregorianCalendar
      • isIsValid

        public boolean isIsValid()
        Gets the value of the isValid property.
      • setIsValid

        public void setIsValid​(boolean value)
        Sets the value of the isValid property.
      • isIsIpsAdmin

        public boolean isIsIpsAdmin()
        Gets the value of the isIpsAdmin property.
      • setIsIpsAdmin

        public void setIsIpsAdmin​(boolean value)
        Sets the value of the isIpsAdmin property.