
A JavaScript object exposed at Granite.UI.Foundation.Utils exposing the following FoundationUtils interface:

 * Provides minimal utitily methods when developing components.
interface FoundationUtils {
   * This method is similar to <code>Array.prototype.every</code>, but in reverse order.
   * @param array The array to iterate
   * @param callback Function to test for each element
   * @param {Object} [thisArg] Object to use as <code>this</code> when executing <code>callback</code>
   * @see
  everyReverse(array: Array, callback: (value: any, index: number, array: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;

   * Debounces the given function, which will postpone its execution until after the given wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.
   * @param func The function to be debounced
   * @param wait The timeout of the debounce
   * @param immediate <code>true</code> to trigger the function on the leading edge, instead of the trailing
   * @see
  debounce(func: Function, wait: number, immediate?: boolean): Function;

   * Process the given html so that it is suitable to be injected to the DOM (e.g. preventing duplicate js and css).
   * This method is also modifying the current document (window.document) such that js and css from the given html are not lost.
   * This is done by injecting the said files to &lt;head>.
   * NOTE: From now on, it is better to use <code>foundation-util-htmlparser</code> instead for performance.
   * @param html The html string to process
   * @param selector Only extract out the html under the given selector (inclusive). If no element matchs the selector or this parameter is falsy then html is process as is.
   * @param callback The callback when all the scripts are already executed
   * @param avoidMovingExisting Avoid moving the existing CSS and JS elements to &lt;head>. Sometimes, moving those elements is needed in order to prevent double loading when the html is injected again.
   * @returns The result of the process
  processHtml(html: string, selector?: string, callback?: () => void, avoidMovingExisting?: boolean): string;