******************************* foundation-wizard-lazycontainer ******************************* A step component that will load its content when :doc:`../../vocabulary/wizard` is navigating to it. Use this component when you need a step that is depending on the user input in the preceding steps. Markup ====== .foundation-wizard-lazycontainer -------------------------------- Indicates the component. Whenever ``foundation-wizard-stepchange`` event is triggered, this component will load its content. Selector Rule:: .foundation-wizard-lazycontainer [data-foundation-wizard-lazycontainer-src] ------------------------------------------ The `URI Template `_ to fetch the content of the container. The variables passed to the template are the fields (e.g. textfield, select) of the preceding steps. The field's name and value are used as variable name and value respectively. Selector Rule:: .foundation-wizard-lazycontainer[data-foundation-wizard-lazycontainer-src]